
The American Abroad in Europe - Some Opinions Formed From Experience

It's really starting to concern me now that China can take out our aircraft carriers with ease while America sleeps. Anyone remember Korea? Yet we're busy steadily pissing off large numbers of very motivated religious folks around the world while some of these chaps have Nuclear weapons in the oven. At the same time in America the insane immigration system is alienating many and creating yet another insane federal bureaucratic nightmare that will yet rival the "Drug War". At the most basic level I see the US Immigration system turning away very valuable potential immigrants. I know personally of some who have educations that´d rival most American´s and have chosen China simply because of the ease of their Visa processes for Europeans.

Parts the EU are not far behind in copying the US in extreme rightist views on immigration and general excuses for centralized control. For example take the SIS 1/2 (sister to the NCIC in America) being implemented across Europe for purposes of  'security' and immigration control. The concept makes sense and surely will do some good. Some Americans are finding themselves deported and technically we're not even allowed to visit all of Europe for more than 3 months at a time.  (Although, I must recall our grandparents gave freedom to many of these same places) So for an American on a normal trip to Europe that´s approximately 5 days per each country. Turnabout´s fair play though as we treat the successful European almost the same as a Mexican illegal.

Isn´t it pathetic my Spanish friends must say they´re "European" and not Spanish for fear the police in America might assume they are Mexican?

On a similar note thank god Hollywood and good people exist because that gives me hope. As I type this seemingly envious ectypes of the American´s federalized system of Immigration control is being implemented in Europe. Giving those ever-seeking Federal bureaucratic idiocies looking for funding more excuses to exert control over the populous.

Europeans I find are far more empathetic as a result of being more world-aware and in many cases put passion into things American's simply don't care about as a whole. Prison sentences for non-violent offenses, for instance. The rights of those unrepresented. But I also find idealistic viewpoints and socialism rerooting in many places.


Maybe it's just my perception. But if you travel to Nuevo Laredo you're not going to see the  help and love those wonderful people need but instead a United States funded drug war. Funded by the Government, the Users,  and the man who's trying to feed his child or himself. After you've seen children eating from trash less than 20 miles from the richest country in the world it makes me absolutely mad to think that it's allowed to exist. Those guys are only fighting to support their families and SURVIVE when the USA could easily either just let people get stoned, try to make jobs, allow immigration, but no... apparently death and war is preferred.

It's interesting that Europe has a 'similar' problem.

Morocco is in much the same way Europe's drug source and guess what ; it's somewhat similar when you arrive in the non-touristy areas. People beg for money. Occasionally people get kidnapped. But compared to what has turned into the night mare for the residents of Northern Mexico and the foolishness of American policies in dealing with Immigration, Drug Enforcement, and worst of all Human Rights. So much is not reported.

But why is it that Morocco - this massive supplier of "hash", a highly potent form of purified Cannabis, amongst other drugs is not subjected to a full fledged war? Why is it that it's northern Neighbor ; Spain ; Is one of the most wealthy, peaceful, and educated countries in the world? I have met students .. young kids, 10 years old, in Spain who can speak 3 languages and are doing SQL.

And America is worried about some Mexican 'cartels' ? We need to be worried about the real threat ; and that's to our freedom and ability to survive. Not some social malfunction that has been going on nearly as long as prostitution. The enemy is very real and they are very powerful. While we fiddle with lives in Afghanistan and brave Americans and Europeans sacrifice ....

 China is preparing to take out our all powerful carrier fleets, has industrial production that rivals the United States, and people who's ancestors themselves were immigrants are complaining about South and Central Americans coming into the USA. If anything we should WELCOME them as there is no shortage of land.and I'm certain most Americans could probably use some refreshers in farming themselves. Our fat McDonald's dependent society was once great and can be again. But it ain't lookin' good.

Get ya'lls priorities straight people... else as ole Hank said, prepare for an 'Attitude Adjustment', except the dramatic forces that are currently swirling due to American political games are soon going to backfire unless we change our act. Quit worrying about immigration and start worry about feeding starving kids. Stop worrying about a product that costs $10 to make and laws that make it worth $10000 and start educating and doing what America used to do best ; get things done for what is just and right. Have we become a society of victims and noneffectives stuck in a political quagmire?

How pathetic, if so.

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